To leave a message is fairly straight forward.
1. Click on “Add Your Post”
2. In order to become a contributor please complete the registration form. You will then be emailed a username and password and will be able to access the forum.
3. Once you have been emailed your username and password you can log on to the site. At this point you can change your password to something more memorable. To do this click on the profile tab at the top right hand side of the page in the blue section, scroll to the bottom of the page and put in your new password then click on “update profile” to complete.
4. To leave a message click on the “Write” tab at the top left hand side of the page.
5. Give your message a title, and the write your message in the “post” section.
6. You can then tick on what category your message relates to, or add a new one if it is not listed.
7. Finally press the “Submit for Review” and that is it!!
Alternatively email with your information and I will do it for you.